Craft with kids is a great venture that most parents long to establish in their children’s routines. Apart from its many benefits for the children, including building their imagination and creativity, it can be a starting point to a great career as a top-notch fine artist. It can also help them discover their interests early enough and hone them when their creativity is still at its best and can be trained rightly.
Unfortunately, most parents do not know how to get their children on board to begin crafting at home. Indeed it is not a walk in the park, and no one can truthfully declare it peanuts.
One reason could be that children are very sensitive and will not easily subscribe to things they don’t like, and most of them do not have the endurance to trust the process when their interests cannot be readily evoked. Yet because of their unique nature, children can be trained to like virtually anything, so long as they know the “how to.”
The following tips can make your child get more involved in craft:
1. Using Child-friendly Adhesive
Children can get messy while crafting, and efforts must be made to ensure it doesn’t affect them or discourage them. This can be achieved using a child-friendly adhesive like the PVA glue from Economy Of Brighton.
Although polyvinyl acetate (PVA) glues can vary in strength, flexibility, water resistance, heat resistance, and standability, they are generally non-toxic, making them a safe option for kids who may not be able to take many precautions like adults. On the other hand, PVA glues maintain their flexibility after drying rather than becoming brittle with age, like other varieties.
2. Appeal to Their Interests
Most people associate crafts with creative people with exciting ideas who seem to live in the ‘do it yourself’ mindset. Such stereotypes do not work well with Kids when it comes to crafting. If you can connect crafts to their interests, you will definitely get them to sing to your tune.
For instance, you may have difficulty involving a child who loves soccer in crafts of animals and music, but when you try anything akin to football, you will have them on board. Think of their interests and use them wisely to influence and intrigue them.
3. Create a Specific Time Dedicated to Crafting
Children, by nature, love getting involved. No kid wants to be left behind during any routine family engagements. With this in mind, you can create a specific time frame for craft activities. You can add it to their day, like an after-school activity or just their games. Let this time be fixed until they know by heart that it is set aside for crafting, and you will have their attention.
4. Employ a Wide Variety of Materials
Most people think of construction paper, wood, and glue when they hear about crafting. You must break the monotony that comes with such presumption by providing various materials for crafting with your kids. Go ahead and turn the table colored with various materials like a marble game, a cardboard box, scissors, and a marker. More materials will appeal to various interests and get your child involved or just curve out something they can get crazy about.
5. Take Them To a Museum or Art Gallery
Taking your child to a museum or art gallery can mark the beginning of their love for art and interest them in crafting themselves and Because they may not understand most things themselves, be careful to go with them and explain what most of the art they will interact with represents. The new experience will boost their imagination and may leave a permanent love affair with crafts in them.
6. Get Involved and Do Some Craft Projects With Them
All children have a high tendency to love anything that involves their parents. If you really want them to get down crafting, then start it yourself, and in most cases, you will not even need to invite them; they will invite themselves and become your partner. A parent-child craft project is a great way to have your child get themselves hands-on with their craft. Encourage them and try to make them get more credit by appreciating every creative gesture you notice in the process. The energy boost that comes with such compliments will leave a lasting impact on them and make them hone their craft.
7. Be Adventurous and Change the Scenery
Locking oneself in the same place sometimes is an enemy of concentration and creativity. A change of scenery, like engaging in your craft in an outdoor setting, may sometimes prove the edge in a craftsmanship journey. Explore adventurous sceneries for more engagement.
8. Holiday Themed Craft Ideas
Holidays are perfect for crafting with your kids and come with a special addition of more ideas. The trick is to suggest specific crafts for the holidays that can serve as decoration for that time. Finding some crafting ideas related to Christmas, Easter, Mother’s /Father’s day, Hanukkah, Independence day, et cetera, will evoke a deep interest and add creative capabilities in them as they hassle to relate their crafts with different themes.
9. Peruse Art Magazines Together
Also look at art books or magazines together will expose your child to great artists like Leonardo da Vinci or even the works of Michelangelo. It will spike up their creative hunger, help them find mentors, and start crafting from an inspired mind. The result is that they get an interest in following the great milestones set by great minds in the past. Art books and magazines can also expose you to state of art regarding crafting.
10. Be Diplomatic and Avoid Forcing it On Them
The worst thing you can ever do to a child is to force anything on them or get them to do something they don’t particularly like or are interested in. If all else fails, do not force your child into being a crafter. Don’t even be tempted to follow suit with compulsory school assignments. This will make them ‘do it for you,’ and that comes with no intuition for more growth or even betterment so Explore only the diplomatic ways that can set their interests rolling, and it is also a job well done.
Getting your child involved with crafts is an exciting and challenging step. It requires tact and creativity other than a force down their thoughts to be Da Vinci reincarnated. This article gives ten tips that anyone can employ to have their children more interested in crafts.